
to rescue something in danger of being destroyed

92 million tons of clothing end up in landfills each year. Of the 100 billion (with a “B”) garments made each year, only 20% are collected for reuse or recycle globally. Some studies show that 15% of those recycled clothes end up shipped to countries outside of the US, to be placed in an international landfill.

Additionally, 12 million tons of furniture and immeasurable amounts of home decor make up their own special piles of trash in US landfills.

That’s a lot of potential thrown in a pile : a pile which ends up in marganizlized communities. So not only are we destroying clothes and furnishings, we are destroying those communities and the entire planet.

Our salvaging services hope to combat this cycle of destruction. See our services below to find out how you can help in our goal to rescue, not only objects, but our local community and a little piece of the planet.

  • Creative Reuse

    The owners of History Repeats, as well as our talented community members find inspiration in many of the textiles and other items donated to our organization.

    Follow the link to see some of the beautiful objects currently available for purchase.

  • Workshops

    We offer various workshops throughout the year, and all supplies are put together from our donated stash of treasures.

    Whether you want to make a shrunken wool blanket or learn to unravel a sweater to harvest your own upcycled yarn, everyone is invited to learn the possibilities of salvaging.

  • Recycling

    In order to avoid unwanted items being shipped overseas by less than transparent “recycling” programs, we have vetted companies to ensure their practices are as ethical as possible.

    Follow the link to learn about our partners and what items we are currently accepting for recycling servives.